Free compliance event shows cases from large companies


The consultancy ICTS promotes on September 30, in the auditorium of the Museum of Modern Art (MAM) of São Paulo (SP), the event Compliance in Practice. The proposal is to discuss the implementation of anti-corruption practices in companies and their adaptation to the new provisions of the Anticorruption Law (12.846 / 13). During the event, cases from companies such as Ambev, Cielo, Grupo Embraer and Hypermarcas will be shown. The event is free and the places are limited. Participation must be confirmed by email

Order date: September 30th, 2014
Open Hours: 8h15
Location: Auditorium of the Museum of Modern Art (MAM), in Ibirapuera Park
Address: Avenida Pedro Alvares Cabral, no number, São Paulo (SP)