Fraud of R $ 1 million in cane transport


On 15/09, within the operation “The cane is ours”, police officers from the Fazendária Police Station started a fraudulent scheme for transporting and processing sugarcane. The fraud caused a loss of more than R $ 1 million per month in evasion of ICMS. In the investigation, which started about two months ago, there was a suspicion that Usina Paineiras SA, in Espírito Santo, was buying sugarcane from Lucahe Agropecuária, in São Francisco do Itabapoana, in the north of the state of Rio, and paying more sugar cane than the Rio de Janeiro plants, to manufacture ethanol.

The police discovered that Lucahe filled out the Auxiliary Document of the Invoice (Danfe), which authorizes the transport of cane to another state, with a volume of the product well below that which was actually transported. In one of the documents seized by the police, 20 tons of cane were transported on the last day 3. During the blitz, on the 9th of this month, the agents found in the truck a receipt for this shipment of cane, but with the correct weight: 26 tons and 480 kilos. More than six tons above what was reported when transported to the plant

- During the six months of the sugarcane harvest, approximately 120 trucks per day cross the border with approximately 30 tons of cane in each vehicle. On average, the price per ton is R $ 57. This gives R $ 38 million per harvest. This transaction has led to the bankruptcy of several plants in the north of the state - said one of the investigators.

Source: O Globo Online
Collaboration: Sindicom 

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