The Capital and the State unite in the fight against piracy
Source: Federation of Chambers of Shopkeepers of Santa Catarina - 05/10/2012
![]() Piracy Combat Councils sign cooperation agreement |
![]() Jair Schmitt (Director of the State Council to Combat Piracy), Wanderley Redondo (President of the State Council to Combat Piracy), Sara Camargo (District Director of FCDL / SC - 25th District - and Director of the CDL of Florianópolis) and Hamilton da Rosa (Municipal Secretary of Security and Defense of the Citizen and President of the Municipal Council for Combating Piracy in Florianópolis) |
![]() Meeting took place at CDL Florianópolis headquarters |
The capital and the state of Santa Catarina are fighting side by side in the fight against piracy. On October 2, a cooperation agreement was signed at the headquarters of the CDL in Florianópolis, between the Municipal Council for Combating Piracy and the State Council for Combating Piracy - Cecop. In practice, the municipal council becomes a component of the state council, and with that it is possible to articulate joint actions against the spoilage of copyright. The document signed by the president of the State Council, delegate Wanderley Redondo, and the secretary of Security and Defense of the Citizen and president of the municipal body, Hamilton Pacheco da Rosa.
The term was signed at a formal meeting of the city council, the sixth since the group was created. The event also served as a stage for the presentation of the Cidade Livre de Pirataria program, of the Ministry of Justice, to which the Capital must join in early December - it depends only on the mayor signing the agreement term. With the signing, Florianópolis will start to share the set of good practices to combat piracy, together with cities like São Paulo, Brasília, Curitiba, Belo Horizonte, Cuiabá, Rio de Janeiro and Osasco.
Cidade Livre de Pirataria exists since 2009, within the programs of the National Council to Combat Piracy. Márcio Gonçalves, of the ETCO Institute - member of the national council and responsible for the program - said that piracy in the world generates US $ 522 billion and costs 2 million formal jobs. “There is no magic formula for ending this. A set of actions is needed permanently to minimize the problem ”, he said. Therefore, the basic objective of Cidade Livre is to achieve “the effective and formal commitment of the municipalities to fight the periphery”, that is, the commitment to the execution of the “set of actions on a permanent basis”.