Bahia hosts national course in the area of ​​fuels


Source: Jornal da Mídia - BA - 19/10/2009

Salvador - In yet another measure to combat tax evasion and irregular fuel trade, the State Finance Secretariat (Sefaz), through the Oil and Fuels Inspection Coordination (Copec), will carry out this Tuesday through Friday (20 to 23), at the Public Service Corporate University (UCS), a national training on the Fuel Attachment and Audit System (Scanc). The course is intended for servers throughout Brazil that inspect companies in the segment, in addition to representatives of distributors.

The training will be given by the fiscal auditor Fernando Damasceno, from Ceará, and will count with the participation of 80 civil servants, divided into two classes. According to Copec's Inspection Manager, Olavo Oliva, training is one of the many measures adopted by Bahia to have a more agile and effective tax administration. "We work with Scanc constantly and the training will further empower auditors to act to combat tax evasion in the segment," said Oliva.

Scanc is an electronic tool that summarizes all operations involving petroleum-based fuels. With the mastery of this digital system, inspectors can examine all internal and interstate operations carried out by fuel distributors and which result in transfers to other states, reimbursements and tax supplements.

In addition to Bahia, Minas Gerais, Amazonas, Piauí, Rondônia, Santa Catarina, Sergipe, Alagoas, São Paulo, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, Mato Grosso, Pernambuco, Tocantins, Amapá, Espírito Santo and Ceará participate in the course, in addition to the Federal District.