André Franco Montoro Filho talks about the value of ethical behavior in the economy at a Secovi event


Source: MaxPress, 15/04/2008

On April 15th, professor André Franco Montoro Filho, executive president of the Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics (Etco), participates in an event promoted by the São Paulo Housing Union (Secovi), in which he will give a lecture on the importance of ethical behavior for the economy. Montoro Filho will address the issue of competition in the various sectors of the formal economy and the harms caused by unfair competition.

Secovi's New Entrepreneurs

Date: 15/4/08, Tuesday
Hour: 12h to 14h
Location: Secovi - São Paulo Housing Union
Address: Rua Dr. Bacelar, 1043 - Vila Mariana - São Paulo, SP
Information and registration by phone (11) 5591-1226, by e-mail or on the website


12h Reception

12:30 Opening

Antônio Gonçalves
General coordinator of the event

John Crestana
President of Secovi-SP

Basil Jafet
Vice President of Development at Secovi-SP

12:45 pm Lecture - The Economic Value of Ethical Behavior

André Franco Montoro Filho
Executive President of the Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics (Etco)

13:40 Space for questions

14h Closing