Event in Rio de Janeiro marks the second edition of the book “Culture of Transgressions” in the Country
Source: Maxpress, 13/06/2008
Starting on the 19th, the book Cultura das Transgressões no Brasil - Lições da História will be available in the best bookstores in the country in an edition of Editora Saraiva. To mark the launch, the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (Etco) will promote an event at the Commercial Association of Rio de Janeiro, in the Center.
The first edition was launched in February by Etco, in partnership with the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Institute (iFHC), and has become a must-read for academics, businessmen and people interested in the subject. The publication is the result of the eponymous seminar promoted by Etco and iFHC in August 2007. The objective was to answer the following question: “Is overcoming this culture a condition for development?” Although misconduct has spanned centuries, scholars Bolívar Lamounier, Joaquim Falcão, José Murilo de Carvalho and Roberto DaMatta indicate that it is possible to turn this game around.
"The lack of ethics that derives from the culture of transgressions threatens Brazilian democracy and undermines our economic growth," says Professor André Franco Montoro Filho, executive president of Etco. “It is essential to find ways to overcome this culture. The book is an excellent reflection on these issues ”, he concludes.
The event will be promoted on the 19th. At 16pm, there will be a chat with the authors, mediated by the columnist Merval Pereira, followed by a cocktail and space for autographs.
Editorial Board
Book: “Culture of Transgressions in Brazil - Lessons from History”
Writers: André Franco Montoro Filho, Bolívar Lamounier, Joaquim Galvão, José Murilo de Carvalho and Roberto DaMatta
Coordination: Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Marcílio Marques Moreira
Pages: 132
Editing and distribution: Saraiva Publishing House
Initial circulation: 3 thousand copies
Event: Launch of the book “Cultura das Transgressões”
Data: 19/6/08, Thursday
Working Hours: 16h
Location: Rio de Janeiro Commercial Association (ACRJ)
Address: Rua da Candelária, 9, 12th floor - Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ