Blitz finds adulterated fuel at 6 gas stations in ABC


By Brunno Folli, Diário de S. Paulo - 11/05/2005

The operation "De Olho na Bomba", by the State Finance Department, found irregularities in the fuel sold by six filling stations in Diadema, in the ABC region, yesterday. Twenty-one posts were inspected, of which 21 have already disclosed the results of the first analyzes. The ABC operation continues.

The stations may be closed if the adulteration of the fuel is confirmed in a new analysis, which will be carried out by the Institute for Technological Research (IPT). Gasoline mixed with solvent or anhydrous alcohol level above 25% characterizes adulteration. Irregularities have already been found in a preliminary analysis by the Institute of Weights and Measures (Ipem). Thus, the post is framed in the state law that provides for the cancellation of registration and closing.

The bombs that already showed irregularities started to be sealed. The fine can reach R $ 48 thousand.