Project provides city free from piracy


Source: Gazeta de novo - PR - 08/10/2009

This week, the councilor received a visit from the executive director of the Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics (ETCO), Patrícia Blanco, who has been discussing the matter with Mayor Beto Richa (PSDB) and his secretaries. She was at the Urbanism and Anti-Drug Secretariats, where she spoke about combating piracy. According to Patrícia, the institute aims to encourage cities for projects in this line, such as Curitiba, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília and Ribeirão Preto. In Blumenau, the proposal has already become law, which also happened at the Ministry of Justice, where the National Council to Combat Piracy already exists.

In the justification of the Curitiba project, the councilman cites the problem of the origin of piracy, which comes from illicit activities such as embezzlement, contraband, reception or counterfeit production of trademarks and patents. This list includes, in addition to medicines, clothes, CDs, DVDs, electronic equipment and others that generate illegal and unfair competition to formal trade and the creators of original brands and legalized manufacturers. The Municipal Council will be composed of local authorities and public and private entities. Its main objective is to rescue ethics in the city of Curitiba.

According to Luiz Paulo Teles Ferreira Barreto, president of the National Council to Combat Piracy and executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice, “Brazil is beginning to win the battle against piracy, as Brazilian society already accepts the idea that piracy is illegal and that the practice causes losses at a high social cost to the country ”. The president of the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (ETCO) is André Franco Montoro Filho, who also fights against illegal practices in Brazilian trade. According to him, the institute's objective is to improve the business environment in Brazil. "Piracy reduces our growth potential," he said. Entrepreneur and journalist João Roberto Marinho, vice president of Organizações Globo, president of the group's Editorial Board and member of the ETCO Advisory Board, stated that, “when asked how the media can contribute to foster ethical behavior in citizens , my answer is only one: having the media itself, a strictly ethical behavior. This is not a play on words, but something we take very seriously. The lesson starts at home. ”