Fiesp command candidates close campaign in tense climate
Author: Vitor Nuzzi
Source: Diário de S. Paulo, 22/08/2004
The most fierce dispute for power in the Fiesp / Ciesp system has reached the final stretch
with spy film ingredients. The two plates, which face each other in this
Wednesday, they spent the last days exchanging barbs: members of the situation
were accused by an opposition director, via internet, of involvement in
money laundry. The answer was the request to open an investigation
Deic Police Station and Electronic Media, in addition to a probable process for
injury and defamation.
The situation list is headed by Claudio Vaz,
director of Fiesp and ex-president of Sindipeças. The opposition is led by Paulo
Skaf, deputy of Fiesp and current president of Abit (textile industry). Both say
have enough votes.
On Friday, the temperature increased with the request to open an investigation
by Vaz and businessman Nildo Masini. The opposition classified the measure
as an act of despair. For the situation, the transmission of messages over the internet
it is only intended to confuse voters. For the election of Fiesp, the
affiliated unions (122 out of 129). In Ciesp, on the other hand,
associated companies with up-to-date monthly fees. The number of industries reaches eight
thousand, but part will not be entitled to vote because it is in debt, which can be paid
until election day. The president of the electoral commission is the lawyer Tércio
Sampaio Ferraz Júnior, professor at USP, former attorney general of Finance and
former executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice. Before this, there was only dispute
in fact on three occasions, the main one in 1980. Unpredictable, the election may have
a winner at Fiesp and another at Ciesp, something unprecedented.
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