Work begins to encourage entrepreneurial formalization


Source: DCI, 20/11/2007

BRASÍLIA - Banco do Brasil will offer a package of attractions for entrepreneurs who take advantage of the Corporate Citizenship Task Force and formalize until February 29, 2008. They will be exempt from paying the corporate services package, which ranges from R $ 20 to R $ 310, from the annual fee of the Ourocard Empresarial card and the rate for opening credit in BB Giro Rápido operations, which can range from R $ 26 to R $ 400, depending on the loan amount.

The Corporate Citizenship Mutirão is an initiative of Banco do Brasil in conjunction with the National Federation of Accounting Service Companies (Fenacon), Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC), Sebrae and the Federal Revenue of Brazil. The action takes place from this Tuesday (20) until Friday (23) in all Brazilian states, involving more than 260 municipalities.


During the Mutirão, the entrepreneur will have at his disposal employees from participating institutions gathered in a single location. In addition to receiving information on formalizing companies, there will be technical, business and credit guidance provided to informal entrepreneurs who already have a business and intend to expand the enterprise, conquer markets and have access to credit lines with interest rates and terms suitable for small companies. .

The entrepreneur will receive the Formalization Guide free of charge, a booklet with information on the shortest path for the entrepreneur to formalize his company. In the Guide, he will find in a didactic way all the steps to register a company, from research to check if the chosen name no longer exists in the market, to tips on how to use credit consciously.

With the General Law on Micro and Small Enterprises in force, there is new enthusiasm for creating a differentiated and favorable environment for small businesses, generating expectations that the set of actions initiated - reduction of bureaucracy, exemption and incentives - will, in fact, stimulate entrepreneurship, the formality and strengthening of small businesses in Brazil.

The institutions that carry out the Corporate Citizenship Task Force believe that actions to support the formalization of entrepreneurs, who are currently in the informal sector, will be able to promote the sustainable development of companies regionally and locally, by financing productive activities and, consequently, generating work. and income in communities. When formalizing his company, the entrepreneur can take advantage of tax incentives, participate in public competition, request loans and financing from financial and development institutions, among other advantages.

The complete list of municipalities, with the location of the Mutirão Cidadania Empresarial, can be accessed at the address below:


Banco do Brasil press office - (61) 3310-3664 / 3536

(With Sebrae agency)