List of companies that integrate Sped grows


Source: Diário do Comércio - SP - COMPANIES - 19/07/2009

The National Council for Farm Policy (Confaz) published in the Federal Official Gazette on the 15th (ICMS Confaz Protocol 42) the list of 529 economic activities that will be required to use the Electronic Invoice (NF-e) from 2010 , replacing the invoice model 1 or 1-A. Among the activities are wholesale trade and industry, refrigerators, milk preparation, coffee processing, as well as manufacturers of: brandy, wine, beer and draft beer, cigarettes, disposable diapers, cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, tires and inner tubes, cement , telephone equipment, automobile production, as well as fuel formulation and organic chemical products.

Even with the long list, some codes of the National Classification of Economic Activities (CNAE) will still be missing. “But they will gradually join Sped. It is not possible to oblige everyone, as there is no structure for this ”, says the executive director of Confirp Consultoria Contábil, Ricardo Domingos.


The NF-e integrates the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (Sped) together with Sped Contábil and Sped Fiscal, files of the accounting book and the company's entry and exit operations, respectively. Taxpayers obliged to use the NF-e must send the electronic file of Sped Fiscal.


Since April 1st, companies that operate in 50 activities are already included in the system. They should send the Sped Fiscal monthly since
January, but some, due to technical problems, failed. They were given a longer period by the government to send the files, which ends on September 31. According to the director of Fharos Assessoria Empresarial, Dora Ramos, the files from January to August should be delivered retroactively until this date.

On September 1, 43 activities are now required to issue the NF-e. Among them are manufacturers and wholesalers of bread, cookies and crackers, new vehicle dealers, coffee wholesalers and producers, manufacturers of pesticides, manure and fertilizers.