ETCO launches third issue of its magazine
The Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition completed two years of existence and to celebrate its anniversary, presented the third edition of its magazine, during the Seminar: “Tax evasion vs. tax burden: Is there a balance point :?, which took place on August 15th, at Rosa Rosarum, in São Paulo. The title brings a broad and significant radiograph of the paths that can be taken by tax reform in Brazil. Through the dissemination of an innovative research, carried out by the Institute in partnership with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (GV Consult), the magazine makes public the study of Macroeconomic, Regional and Sectoral Impacts of Tax Reform, carried out in partnership with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (GV Consult) ). One of the novelties is a simulator, with different rates, which allows to outline scenarios of the positive impacts of the tax reform for the Union, the states and municipalities, as well as the negative repercussions of maintaining the current model or even a partial reform of the system.
In addition, the magazine also has interviews with the governor of Rio Grande do Sul Germano Rigotto, with the president of the National Council to Combat Piracy, Luiz Paulo Barreto, and Raul Velloso, one of the greatest specialists in Brazilian public accounts. There is also a special report on the city of Jaraguá, which said no to piracy, and today has a vigorous textile pole with a quality seal.
Previous editions: [At the. 2] [At the. 1]