Finance promotes training for sectors that will adopt electronic invoice


Source: Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, 26/08/2008

On Wednesday and Thursday (27 and 28), the Secretariat of Finance promotes seminars for companies in the segments that will mandatorily adopt the electronic invoice (NF-e) as of December, as determined by a protocol signed by the National Council of Farm Policy (Confaz). Taxpayers interested in participating in the events must register through the website of the Secretariat of Finance - menu "Contributors / Electronic Invoice / NF-e Events. Below, you can see the sectors covered by the requirement, the date and times of training by segment.

The activities (free) will be held at the Romildo Bolzan Auditorium of the State Audit Court, at Rua Sete de Setembro, 388, in Porto Alegre. On the 12th and 13th, training was given to taxpayers in the meat sector, with the participation of about 50 companies.

In April this year, the mandatory use of NF-e started in two sectors: cigarettes and liquid fuels. The Secretary of Finance, Aod Cunha de Moraes Júnior, says that the widespread use of electronic invoices expands tax justice, promoting fair competition between companies and bringing benefits to taxpayers who act correctly.

“The expansion of the use of electronic invoices also contributes to actions to combat tax evasion by the Finance Department. With the mandatory NF-e extended to more segments, as of December, around 3 thousand companies will have to issue this document in the State ”, observes the secretary. Aod Cunha also highlights the pioneering spirit of Rio Grande do Sul in issuing electronic invoices: “The State was the first to issue NF-e, in a pioneering system developed by the Finance Secretariat with Procergs. Since last year, again with a pioneering spirit, we have developed a Virtual Sefaz, which is authorizing NF-e for 12 other Brazilian states ”.

According to the director of State Revenue, Júlio César Grazziotin, the use of NF-e brings benefits for companies and tax authorities. “In relation to the facilities brought to taxpayers, the electronic invoice reduces operating costs with less paper and ink expenses, simplifies services and reduces the time for trucks to stop at tax points, for example. For the tax authorities, the advantages are the growth of inspection work and combating tax evasion more quickly and efficiently. The control of the purchase and sale movements of each company becomes more transparent, with a better exchange of information between tax administrations, ”he says.

Sectors covered by the requirement from December:

??? - Manufacturers of automobiles, vans, utilities, trucks, buses and motorcycles;

- Cement manufacturers;

- Manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers of allopathic medicines for human use;

- Slaughterhouses and wholesalers that promote the departure of fresh, chilled or frozen meat of the bovine, swine, buffalo and poultry species;

- Manufacturers of alcoholic beverages - including beer and draft beer;

- Soft drink manufacturers;

- Agents that, in the free contracting environment (ACL), sell electricity to final consumers;

- Manufacturers of semi-finished, flat or long rolled, re-rolled, drawn and steel profiles;

- Pig iron manufacturers.