I was happy with Chávez's defeat in the referendum, says Serra
Source: DCI, 04/12/2007
SAO PAULO - The governor of São Paulo, José Serra (PSDB), stressed this Tuesday (4), his happiness with the result of the referendum in Venezuela, which defeated the proposal of the president, Hugo Chávez, to reform the constitution (strategy to guarantee re-election for an unlimited time).
“I was happy with Chávez's defeat. I was happy for Venezuela and happy for South America. We shouldn't get involved in Venezuelan business, but that doesn't stop me from being satisfied when I see that the people voted in favor of democracy ”, said the governor, after participating in an event promoted Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics (ETCO), at the University of São Paulo (USP), in São Paulo.
Serra defended that a Chavez victory “would institutionalize a dictatorship in South America” and in a joking tone commented: “I was upset that Corinthians went to the second division, that Palmeiras did not go to Libertadores, and at the same time happy with the result of the plebiscite. Very happy."
The toucan also said that Chávez is responsible for the revival of the arms race. “Another problem that Chávez has brought up is the issue of arms. He is managing to foment, to revive an arms race in South America and Latin America. Which is bad for all of us, ”he concluded.