Forum proposes pirate hunting


Valor Econômico, 23/02/2005

The Permanent National Forum of Entities Against Piracy and Illegality has formulated its proposal for the National Combat Plan, which will be drawn up over the next weekend. The movement's main idea is the creation of state and municipal groups that may have autonomy to fight crime. “States and municipalities are the ones that most lose in revenue from piracy”, says the forum coordinator and member of the National Council to Combat Piracy, André de Almeida.

Almeida recalls that the main tax on pirated products is the Tax on Circulation of Goods (ICMS), which is the responsibility of states and municipalities. “We want to form local working groups that can carry out the inspection,” says Almeida. "Let it not be left to the federal government alone." One possibility is to allow municipalities to use their own municipal guard to fight crime.

The forum's proposal was sent to the board yesterday so that councilors can appreciate the ideas before the weekend meeting. Among other proposals, the forum also defends projects already formulated within the council itself, such as the inclusion of the subject “intellectual property” in the disciplines of all higher education courses, especially in law courses, as well as promoting educational campaigns in public education in partnership with the private initiative. Regarding the Judiciary, it proposes the holding of symposia and congresses to discuss the violation of intellectual property with associations of magistrates, the Public Ministry and the Bar Association and the creation of courts specialized in crimes against intellectual property. (JG)