Electronic NC arrives on the market


Source: O Estado de S. Paulo, 06/04/2008

At the beginning of the last week, on April 1st, the first list of sectors that are required to issue the electronic invoice (NFe) when goods are circulated was released.

The mandatory issue is valid for the entire national territory. The sectors now listed (among them, cigarette manufacturers and distributors; producers, formulators and importers of liquid fuels), included in the ICMS Protocol No. 10/2007 (amended by the ICMS88 / 2007 Protocol), basically concern large companies.

However, micro and small companies may in the future also be required to issue the NFe when the list of sectors to which they belong comes. According to the adviser of the Regional Accounting Council of the State of São Paulo (CRC SP), Marcia Alcazar, there may be some cut in billing, which would exempt from issuing to NFe companies that bill less than what is eventually defined.

There is, however, another reality that micro and small companies need to be aware of and the one who makes the alert is Marcelo MacFadden, director of Programmer's, an IT company: “The small companies that supply the big ones will have to deal with the NFe because your customers will already be using it and will ask for a digital document ”. Especially because the adoption can be voluntary. Programmer's created a specific computerized system to facilitate the emission of NFe by micro and small. The system is based on the XML concept - Extensible Markup Language (see text on the side).

NFe was created to replace only the so-called invoice model 1 and 1A and is one of the actions that make up the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (Sped), whose objective is to implement new processes supported by integrated information systems, information technology and infrastructure. adequate logistical structure.

Marcia sees clear benefits for companies that adopt the NFe, in accordance with what is quoted on the Ministry of Finance's Electronic Invoice Portal. For those who sell, for example, reduced printing costs; paper purchase; sending the tax document; and storage of tax documents, among others. Similar benefits for the buyer are also cited.

In the text to the side, there are explanations of how to do it for the company that is interested or has been obliged to issue the NFe (information is also contained in the NFe Portal).

It is important to clarify, explains Márcia, that the document is digitized and accessible to everyone involved in the operation, but there is a printed copy that follows with the merchandise called the Electronic Document of the Electronic Invoice (Danfe), which contains the “access key ”By NFe, thus allowing you to consult your information on the internet. Marcia also explains that the instituted NFe is related to simple buying and selling processes. "But there are still other types of operations, such as return or sale of assets, for which the manual process is still in force".

