Electronic invoice will debut in four companies from different sectors


NTC Net, 19/04/2006 
The pilot project to implement the Electronic Invoice system, carried out by the São Paulo State Finance Secretariat, won four voluntary companies, which will start issuing electronic invoices in April.

According to the Secretariat, ICMS taxpayers only issue 60 million invoices in the State every month. The Electronic Invoice program aims to reduce printing costs, bringing savings to companies. According to the Secretariat, companies spend 2% to 5% of their revenues to support the requirements of paper invoices, from issuance to mandatory storage for five years.

The electronic invoice will only require a larger disbursement for the implementation and creation of the electronic system.

Source: SEFAZ



Electronic invoice will debut in four companies from different sectors


NTC Net, 11/04/2006

The pilot project to implement the Electronic Invoice system, carried out by the São Paulo State Finance Secretariat, won four voluntary companies, which will start issuing electronic invoices in April.

According to the Secretariat, ICMS taxpayers only issue 60 million invoices in the State every month. The Electronic Invoice program aims to reduce printing costs, bringing savings to companies. According to the Secretariat, companies spend 2% to 5% of their revenues to support the requirements of paper invoices, from issuance to mandatory storage for five years.

The electronic invoice will only require a larger disbursement for the implementation and creation of the electronic system.

Source: SEFAZ