Crime still pays off. But it shouldn't


Author: João Varella

Source: Tomorrow (RS), 29/08/2007

Competition and corporate ethics cannot go hand in hand. This was one of the unanimous opinions among the speakers of the Competitive Intelligence Workshop promoted by the Fiep System, this Wednesday (29th), in Curitiba. André Franco Montoro Filho, president of the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (ETCO) and former president of the BNDES, argued that, more important than the frequent business demonstrations against the country's high tax burden, it is asking for seriousness in combating tax evasion. . "Those who do not pay tax have an unfair and unethical competitive advantage", he argues. “In addition, an ethical company that competes with companies that act outside the law has reduced revenues and is more likely to close its doors”, endorses Marcos Turday, director of Conformity, a consultancy specializing in corporate risks. Montoro Filho listed what he calls “conduct deviation drivers”: excessive tax burden, bureaucracy, impunity and judicial slowness. "Recently, the Brazilian demonstration against the transgression [of the laws] has increased," said Montoro in an interview with AMANHÃ Online. He defended the electronic invoice as an important ally to curb tax evasion.


Another point addressed at the event was the protection of confidential company information. According to Walter Félix Cardoso Júnior, PhD in Applications, Planning and Military Studies, care with the protection of innovations and any type of data of strategic value must be present in companies of all sizes. “A bank statement thrown in the trash is a risk. A bandit is no longer the same ignorant as before, ”he exemplifies. Marcos Turday, from Conformity, also spoke about the market risks of unethical competition, such as piracy and tax evasion. "As soon as an unfair competition practice is detected, the organization must act as quickly as possible to curb," concluded Turday. (João Varella, from Curitiba)