Operation intensifies alcohol inspection
Source: Official Portal of the State of Bahia, 03/06/2009
The commercialization of alcohol that supplies the Bahian market is the focus of the joint operation carried out between the Finance departments of the states of Bahia, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. The Na Trilha do Álcool 2 operation, which started this week, will cover six municipalities in Bahia, three from Espírito Santo and one from Minas Gerais and aims to combat the irregular alcohol trade in the three states.
During the inspection, all fuel transport vehicles will be approached, with a focus on hydrated fuel ethyl alcohol (AEHC) and anhydrous fuel ethyl alcohol (AEAC). In the approach, the tax documents will be checked, optical readings of the Auxiliary Document of Invoice (Danfe), data compilation, in addition to the exchange of information with the states involved. For this purpose, mobile inspection units, regional tax posts and mobile posts will be used, controlling the flow of vehicles in BRs 101, 418, 116 and 122 and in BAs 996, 123 and 126.
The coordinator of Inspection of Petroleum and Fuel (Copec) of Sefaz, Jefferson Carvalho, explains that alcohol enters the South of Bahia and is distributed throughout the state from the regions of Feira de Santana and Itabuna. According to him, the inspection will be carried out in the entire region of the sugar and alcohol pole of the Mucuri Valley, in the south of the state, in addition to the Bahia municipalities of Teixeira Freitas, Mucuri, Nova Viçosa and Medeiros Neto.
“We will also control the entrances to BR 116, in the Vitória da Conquista region, and BR 122, in Urandi. In addition, the operation will extend to Nanuque, in Minas Gerais, and to the cities of Pedro Canário, Montanha and Conceição da Barra, in Espírito Santo, local producers of alcohol ”, he explained.
According to the Secretary of Finance, Carlos Martins, the fuel segment is of great relevance to the collection in Bahia, one of the reasons why it is necessary to reinforce inspection. “The operation aims to combat tax evasion. We are not going to accept fraudulent practices, especially in strategic sectors like this, which represents significant percentages of our revenue ”, he guaranteed.
The inspector of Inspection of Goods in Transit of the South region, of Sefaz, Ananias Cardoso Filho, recalls that the consumption of hydrated ethyl alcohol fuel by the state of Bahia in 2007, according to data released by the National Petroleum Agency, reached a little more than 95 thousand m³. This number, according to him, may reach 500 thousand m³ in 2009, not only due to the greater use of biofuel cars, but also through the actions developed by Sefaz.
“Right after the Operation On the Alcohol Track 1, new data released by the ANP pointed to an increase in the level to more than 173 thousand m³. In other words, there is no doubt that this was due to the systematic combat developed by the Secretariat, with the cooperation of other states, ”he said.
According to Cardoso, the most recurring irregularities in the segment are simulations of fuel inlet and outlet operations; cancellation of the electronic invoice after carrying out the operation; sale of fuel without tax document; tax document reuse; fuel other than transported; adding water to hydrated alcohol; sales of tax documentation, among others.
2 fiscal servants will participate in the Na Trilha do Álcool 145 operation, of which 114 will be at Eduardo Freire, Benito Gama and Jaime Baleeiro fixed stations, and 31 at mobile units, in addition to 80 military police officers. The operation will also have the support of the Federal Highway Police. At Sefaz, the operation will have the participation of teams from the Tax Administration Superintendence (SAT), involving inspectors from the Tax Administration Directorate of the South Region (DAT-Sul), North Region (DAT-North) and Metropolitan Region (DAT Metro).
According to the Fuel Manager at Sefaz de Minas Gerais, Flávia Camargo, one of the most common forms of tax evasion in the state is the simulation of departure to Bahia and the internalization of alcohol. “With the operation, we strengthened the presence of the tax authorities on the roads, giving greater visibility to the inspection work, summoning this type of irregularity”, he recalled.
For Espírito Santo, the strong point of inspection will be the fight against tax evasion, which is done through the reuse of Danfe. “We did a great job in 2007, when we carried out the Na Trilha do Álcool 1 operation and now we will use the experience gained to improve the project,” said Mônica de Araújo Saldanha, Fiscal Manager at Sefaz do Espírito Santo.