Operation Mills increases the number of tax documents issued by 226%


Source: Official Portal of the State of Bahia, 31/03/2009

Carried out with the objective of inspecting the sale of alcohol between the states of Bahia and Sergipe, Operation Usinas obtained important results, such as the 226% increase in the number of tax documents issued, in the comparison between February 2009 and October 2008. XNUMX. The action, organized through a partnership between the Finance Secretariats of the two states, took place during the month of February and was outlined after receiving denunciations of evasion practiced by plants in Sergipe through the reuse of the Auxiliary Document of the Electronic Invoice ( Danfe).

In addition to the increase in the number of Danfes issued, other results verified with the Transaction were the 300% increase in the amounts billed by the plants, from R $ 378 thousand in October 2009 to R $ 1,5 million in February, and the increase 70% of the collection of the plants, using February 2009 as a basis of comparison with January of the same year. Another significant data obtained with Usinas was the positive variation of 18,86% in the collection of the distributor established in Bahia, also observing February in relation to January 2009.

According to the coordinator of Inspection of Petroleum, Fuels and Derivatives (Copec) of Sefaz Bahia, Jefferson Carvalho, the state only produces 20% of the alcohol it consumes. “The period of execution of the Operation corresponds to the peak of the Northeast harvest. These facts, together with the credit crunch caused by the international financial crisis, have stimulated tax evasion in this sector. That is why the plants were important and the results so significant. We will continue to think about other joint tax actions like this, ”he said.

Forms of performance

After the complaints, Copec held a technical meeting with the Sergipe inspection to define ways of acting in partnership. In that same period, the Sergipe tax authorities seized a load of alcohol being transported with a reused Danfe. The addressee was contacted and the driver was referred to a Civil Police station.

The inspectors of the Inspectorate of Inspection of Goods in Transit of the North Region (IFMT-Norte) and of the Sub-Management of Fiscal Commands of Sergipe worked with the alcohol producers 24 hours a day, on all seven days of the week. The mobile fiscal posts of Sefaz-BA served as a support base and the inspection was carried out with the capture of Danfes data directly through barcode scanners to match the database. When the teams verified the document's new use, the vehicle was withheld and the due tax charged.

Fuel sector

The fuel sector accounts for about 30% of the collection of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) in Bahia and, since 2007, Sefaz, through Copec, has been intensifying inspection operations in partnership with the secretariats of others States and also with the National Petroleum Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP).

Only during the past year, the operations "Tanque Cheio", "Total Quality" and "Olho Vivo" were carried out, which aimed, respectively, to verify if the fuel purchases were being made with Electronic Invoice, to evaluate the compliance of the alcohol and gasoline sold in the cities of Ilhéus and Itabuna and check the quality of fuels sold at stations in the capital of Bahia.

According to the manager of Special Actions at Copec, Nilma Oliveira, “this operation reinforces the importance of joint actions between the States, demonstrating that the federated units can be partners in combating tax evasion, leaving behind the time when they worked in isolation. favoring irregular practices. ”