Paes sanctions law that creates electronic invoice
Source: JB Online - RJ - 16/10/2009
RIO - Mayor Eduardo Paes on Friday signed Law 5098, which institutes the Electronic Services Invoice (NFS-e) in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, according to the press office of the councilor who created it, Dr. Jairinho. The new document will register the operations related to the provision of services, which will be stored in a database of the City Hall. The law, authored by councilman Dr. Jairinho (PSC), allows consumers to use electronic invoices to reduce up to 50% of the IPTU due.
Establishments such as fitness centers, private schools, mechanical workshops and aesthetic clinics, among others, are required to issue the new document. Every time you hire a service, the individual taxpayer will receive a credit of 30% on the ISS amount collected by the service provider. Corporate consumers (companies) will have a credit of 5% to 10% on the tax collected by the service provider. The notes will be registered in a database of the City Hall. The document will register the name and CPF (or CNPJ) of the taxpayer and the corresponding credits.
For each note issued, the credits will be registered in the name of the consumer, who will be able to use them to reduce the value of his IPTU, within the limit of 50%. The city hall's goal is to implement the electronic invoice in the first half of 2010, after choosing the company that will make the software for electronic data registration.
According to councilman Dr. Jairinho, the most important thing is to change the fiscal culture in the municipality. “It is necessary to encourage the taxpayer to ask for the invoice. The electronic document will not only guarantee the reduction of the IPTU, but it will be fundamental to give more transparency to the municipality's tax collection ”, says the parliamentarian, author of the law.
In São Paulo, the Electronic Invoice was adopted in 2007 and modernized the control of municipal tax collection, allowing for a 17% increase in ISS (Service Tax) revenue. The expectation of the City of Rio is that the collection of ISS will increase around R $ 125 million with the Electronic Invoice, which represents a growth of 5% in relation to last year.