Country loses R $ 15 billion with piracy
By Vivian Costa, Gazeta Mercantil - 10/06/2005
São Paulo, June 10, 2005 - Research carried out by Ibope reveals the profile of consumers of pirated products. More than an economic problem, piracy is the crime that has grown the most in the last ten years in Brazil. The statement is from the deputy and also vice president of the Piracy CPI, Julio Lopes (PP-RJ). Per year, it is estimated that the country loses about R $ 15 billion with piracy. And adding to this number the losses from tax evasion and contraband, it is estimated that Brazil loses about R $ 160 billion. “Failing to collect approximately 30% of the annual tax amount,” says Emerson Kapaz, president of the Brazilian Institute of Ethics and Competition (Etco).
It was estimated that the country alone lost about R $ 9 billion in taxes per year in fake shoes and clothes. Failing to create more than two million formal jobs. Other problems with these practices, together with tax evasion, are feeding an informal market that often ends up financing other criminal activities, such as arms and drug trafficking. Thinking about how to combat this social problem, the National Union of Technicians of the Federal Revenue (Sindireceita), holds from yesterday until tomorrow, the international seminar "Strategic Combat against Smuggling and Piracy - An integrated approach", in Foz do Iguaçu.
For the president of Sindireceita, Paulo Antenor de Oliveira, it will be an opportunity to discuss the fight against piracy and contraband in full. "The event will serve to discuss measures for education, repression and the economic side." And he adds, “we cannot face this situation only with repressive actions. Our goal is to point out alternatives for the socio-economic balance of the region ”.
In the Foz do Iguaçu region alone, it is estimated that at least 90 thousand people collaborate to increase the statistics of those involved in these illegal practices, which are often a source of income for thousands of families.
Contrary to what many believe, counterfeit products are consumed by people from all walks of life, varying only in order of preference, according to a survey conducted by Ibope for the Dannemann Siemsen Institute (IDS), the United States Chamber of Commerce ( US Chamber) and Warner Bros. Consumer Products.
While respondents from classes A and B claim to have purchased electronic games (12% and 15% of respondents, respectively), toys (17% and 17%), watches (27% and 10%) and glasses in the last 16 months (10% and 16%), class C prefers clothes (21%), toys (21%), sneakers (17%) and watches (16%). Among the main imitations purchased by classes D and E are clothes (18%), toys (16%), sneakers (15%) and watches (14%).
Regarding the age group, the purchase of counterfeit products is strongly concentrated in the younger population, who already have a consumption decision, but with low purchasing power. The items preferred by young people between 16 and 24 years old are clothes (31%), toys (21%), sneakers (21%) and watches (18%). In the population over 50, the purchase of imitations is less widespread.
Ibope talked to 602 people in São Paulo, explains José Henrique Vasi Werner, from IDS, “because the state represents about 50% of the consumer market for counterfeit products in the country”.