Pedro Taques defends special tax criteria


Senator is rapporteur of the project at the Economic Affairs Committee

Public Relations

Cups: "We can combat competitive distortions resulting from tax evasion"


Senator Pedro Taques (PDT) defended today (15), during a meeting with the Brazilian Institute of Competitive Ethics (ETCO), the regulation of article 146-A, of the Federal Constitution, which provides for special taxation criteria and should prevent competition imbalances.

“The regulation, among other things, will allow states and municipalities to prevent tax evasion companies from continuing to operate in the market. In this way, we will be able to combat competitive distortions resulting from tax evasion ”, said Taques, appointed rapporteur in the Senate Economic Affairs Committee (CAE) of the bill that defines the tax criteria.

As highlighted by ETCO's president, Roberto Abdneur, the measure is fundamental for the consolidation of a safe, healthy and ethical business environment.

"Among the many factors that cause unfair competition between companies in Brazil, is the use of tax evasions to reduce the cost of products in relation to companies that comply with their tax obligations and, thus, obtain illicit competitive advantages", he observed .

In practice, he explains that certain taxpayers may be taxed differently from others, with the aim of leveling the tax burden (fiscal function), which would otherwise be unequal, thereby preventing any possible competitive imbalance (extra-fiscal function).

Taques said he continues to debate the proposal for the format of his report, which should be presented at the CAE until June this year.

Source: Media News Portal
15.05.2013 | 17h46 - Updated on 15.05.2013 | 17:53 PM