PF incinerates 49 thousand packs of cigarettes
By Ailton Lima, The Tribuna (MT) - 25/04/2006
In compliance with a judicial determination by the Federal Justice, the Regional Police Station of Rondonópolis, through the delegate Alex Sandro Biegas, incinerated, in the blast furnaces of a ceramics located in Jardim Liberdade, about 49 thousand packs of cigarettes seized in “Operation Hydra ”, Held in May last year.
During the operation, the PF arrested more than 60 people accused of involvement in a gang specialized in smuggling that operated in the states of São Paulo, Paraná, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. The operation, called “Hidra”, was carried out jointly with the IRS.
The PF investigated the performance of the gang led by a family from Mato Grosso do Sul for about a year. The group transported and distributed cargo boxes of cigarettes, computer equipment, tires and perfumes that came from Paraguay to trucks throughout Brazil. with false bottom body.
In this operation, about 650 federal police officers and 24 tax auditors worked and served 29 arrest warrants.
In total, 32 vehicles were seized, transporting more than R $ 10,5 million in smuggled cargo.
Among these apprehensions, the PF / Rondonópolis seized 98 cases of cigarettes, of the Fox brand, smuggled from Paraguay, valued at almost R $ 50 thousand.
As each of the 98 cigarette boxes contains 50 packages, with 10 packs, they make a total of 49 thousand packs and about 980 thousand cigarettes.
According to information, the incineration, which took place yesterday around 15 pm, was authorized by the judge of the Federal Court of Maringá (PR), Marcos César Romeira Moura.