Legal School Project arrives in Amcham-Goiânia


Source: Portal Fator Brasil, 02/09/2008

São Paulo - The Legal School Project, by Amcham-Goiânia (American Chamber of Commerce), will be officially launched on September 3 (Wednesday), the Public Ministry of the State of Goiás (Rua 23, Qd. 06, Lots 15 to 25, Jardim Goiás). In Goiânia, the initiative has the participation of six schools, three of which are public.

The Legal School Project aims to raise awareness among young students about piracy in Brazil and worldwide. The initiative works on the theme, directing its efforts mainly to the training of teachers on the importance of the concept of intellectual property, highlighting the problems caused by piracy, addressing issues of ethics, values, collective thinking and training citizens aware and prepared for the current challenges. .

The initiative has the support of ICDE (Institute to Combat Fraud and Unfair Competition), responsible for the implementation of the project in schools, and sponsorship from ABES (Brazilian Association of Software Companies), ETCO (Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition), Merck Sharp & Dohme, Microsoft Brazil, MPA (Motion Picture Association), CELG (Companhia Energética do Estado de Goiás), CDL (Chamber of Shopkeepers of Goiânia) and Via Filmes, in addition to the support of the Ministry of Justice, the National Council of Combating Piracy, Public Ministry of the State of Goiás; INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property); Goiás State Department of Education and partner schools.

Launched in 2007, the project has already received two important awards: AACCLA - Association of American Chambers of Commerce of Latin America, in the category of Most Creative Project of 2007; and an international award offered by the pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme, aimed at organizations that develop works that promote the social development of the citizens of their country.

Profile of Merck & Co. and Merck Sharp & Dohme - Merck & Co., Inc., is a pharmaceutical company that has researched, developed, produced and marketed vaccines and medicines in critical areas of medicine for over a century. She was responsible for producing penicillin on a large scale, synthesized vitamin B6 and B12, discovered cortisone, the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine, anti-AIDS drugs that made the disease to be considered chronic and non-fatal and recently discovered the first cervical cancer vaccine. The company dedicates great efforts to increase access to its products through social programs, encourages the development of health and biomedical sciences and environments that promote innovation and economic development, in addition to disseminating health information as a service to the population . In Brazil since 1952, the company is called Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) and has a central office, located in São Paulo, and a manufacturing unit, located in the region of Campinas, São Paulo, which turns 50 in 2008.