Fall in income guarantees high sales of pirated cigarettes and CDs
By Flávia Mangini, Diário de São Paulo - 15/12/2004
Research confirms that the two products are leaders in consumer preference. In three years, the pirated CD market has skyrocketed
Cigarettes and CDs. These are the two most consumed pirated products in the state of São Paulo, says the president of the Brazilian Association to Combat Counterfeiting (ABCF), Fernando Ramazzini.
In the case of CDs, a survey conducted by the Franceschini Institute for Market Analysis, at the request of ABCF, shows that 52% of the product's sales in the country last year were forged objects. The picture is even more alarming when one takes into account that, in three years, the base of consumers of pirated CDs has increased by 1,5 million people, while that of customers who choose original items has dropped by around 500 thousand.