Individual Entrepreneur Law Rapporteur Visits Merchant


Source: Sebrae Brasil - DF, 14/07/2009

President of the Sebrae Nacional Deliberative Council, senator Adelmir Santana, visited one of the first entrepreneurs to formalize with the new law Mara Monteiro The president of the Sebrae Nacional Deliberative Council, senator Adelmir Santana, visited the merchant Adalberto dos Santos, who works at the Fair dos Importados, in Brasília, one of the first to formalize after the Individual Entrepreneur entered into force. "This is the opportunity that was missing to end the high percentage of informality that we have in our country", declared the senator, rapporteur of Complementary Law 128 of 2008, which allowed the creation of the new legal figure.

Adalberto was anxious waiting for the date to be able to have the chance to formalize his business within his reality. He came from Acre and decided to start a new life by opening his own business on the federal capital. He decided to work with jewelry because, according to him, the investment is low. The small stall rented at the capital's busy fair has been open for eight months. Early on, he began to feel the obstacles of working in the informal sector.

“I couldn't accept credit cards, issue invoices, have suppliers send me the goods so that I wouldn't have to spend on regular trips to São Paulo, buy wholesale, finance purchases, prove income and ask for a bank loan to invest”, listed.

When he tried to find out how to start a company, he found that it was out of his reality. “There are a lot of expenses for those who are starting and still cannot make a profit from sales. Accountant, fees, taxes. I thought about giving up and looking for a job ”, he said. The entrepreneur sought Sebrae in the Federal District in search of an alternative to his limitations and, due to his profile, was guided to formalize his company by becoming an Individual Entrepreneur. Adalberto meets the requirements of the new category: he earns up to R $ 36 per year, works alone or has at most one employee and his professional activity is regulated.

The novelty rekindled his hope to remain in his own business. With the registration, she would have a CNPJ to remedy all the difficulties initially encountered, in addition to acquiring rights to improve her life, such as retirement, sickness benefit, and, for entrepreneurs, maternity leave. “I soon prepared the necessary documents and was looking forward to the opportunity to register,” said Santos.

Without bureaucracy, without an accountant and without expenses, Adalberto took the registration of his company and begins a new entrepreneurial phase. “I will pay an amount within my reality (up to R $ 57,15, which corresponds to 11% of the minimum wage) and, now, I only think about improving my business. I'm going to look for Sebrae to find out how I can grow, to know where to look for working capital and cheap credit. My goal is to buy a stand at the fair and get out of rent, ”he said hopefully.

In addition to Adalberto, Sebrae also begins a new phase with the Individual Entrepreneur. “With the registrations, it will be possible to get to know how the informal sector develops and operates. As a result, Sebrae will undergo a major transformation, expanding the number of its customers like never before in the institution's history. It is a new public that will have the products and services offered by Sebrae to make them successful in business ”, explained the director of Sebrae / DF José Carlos Moreira De Luca who was also honoring the trader at the Imported Fair.


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