Rio de Janeiro gains new tax post
Source: ETCO, 12/12/2007
The Finance Department of the State of Rio de Janeiro opens this Thursday, December 13, at 9:XNUMX am, the new Nhangapi tax post, responsible for the largest cargo flow in the State. The work to reform the post was carried out through a partnership between the Secretariat of Finance and the Instituto de Ética Concorrencial - ETCO.
The new tax post uses the same model implanted in the tolls, using the latest technology, avoiding tax evasion and controlling the weight of the loads without the need to interrupt the vehicle's path, since the weighing has load cells that transmit information regarding the actual weight of the cargo transported to the cabin.
The reform, which began in September 2006, aimed to make the inspection of the goods transported more efficient, thereby increasing the collection of ICMS.
The project also demolished the old facilities and includes new service booths, accommodation, administrative building, warehouse for goods and computerization of the place. ETCO was responsible for donating resources and managing them.
For André Franco Montoro Filho, president of ETCO, the new tax post is a modern and efficient way of preventing tax evasion that encourages ethical behavior and prevents unfair competition.
The Nhangapi tax post is located at Km 324 of Via Dutra, in Itatiaia, on the border with São Paulo.