New blood in the TJ


Author: Alexandre Aprá

Source: Diário de Cuiabá - MT - ARTICLES - 23/07/2009

Soon, at 9 am, the Court of Justice of Mato Grosso must approve, in an extraordinary session, the list of magistrates who are competing for a place in the Court. Judge Shelma Lombardi de Kato retired a few months ago.

The choice of the new member, this time, has an extra taste for renewal, in the face of the recent scandals involving Justice in Mato Grosso. Even though "titled" by scandals, the recent denunciations made openly by the media represent a victory for democracy. In other words, irregularities put on "clean plates", in the eyes of society, always aiming at Justice and the resolution of problems.

In the face of a political system rooted in real, cruel and exploitative imperialism, aggravated by a military dictatorship that brought our country back, it is at least naive to think that the changes in posture and conduct of the Brazilian authorities (read: those who rule the Powers in their different instances) would happen superficially and unnoticed.

It is worth highlighting, for example, the important role of the press in this context. Today, we can follow through news sites and newspapers nothing less than a process of investigation into the misapplication of public resources in the Judiciary of Mato Grosso. When was this already possible?

But, it was not only the press that contributed to this. The various control mechanisms that the Government itself has taken on to implement already represent a slight improvement in the investigation of complaints. Without going into the merit in question, but we saw in the news this week the State Prosecutor's Office investigating itself, through a Public Civil Action. As colleague Kleber Lima compared in his article published in this Journal, an action open to the light of day and that does not hide in the darkness of the corregidorias.

The accessibility of documents and public spending also contributed to the proper inspection of the treasury. The procedural follow-up made available on the institutional websites of the Court of Justice, TER's and Courts of Accounts also represents an advance. Google itself, who would say, ends up being a source of good and interesting journalistic reports.

I wrote all this to remember that the new judge will be chosen by the merit criterion. I hope that the newest member of the Mato Grosso Court of Justice is a legitimate representative of all these advances and is, more than ever, at the forefront of progress.

ALEXANDRE APRÁ is a reporter