Finance Secretariat presents cases of electronic systems at IDB meeting in Washington


Author: Communication Department of the Finance Department

Source: Secretaria da Fazenda - SP, 16/03/2009

Representatives of the São Paulo Finance Secretariat presented this week in Washington, at the invitation of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), two successful projects implemented in the state: the Electronic Purse Exchange (BEC) and the Electronic Invoice (NF-e) ). The projects, which were financed by the bank, are part of the attractions of the “Fair of the Department of Institutional Capacity and Finance”, which takes place until March 20 in the North American capital.

For Newton Oller de Mello, coordinator of Strategic Planning and Farm Modernization (CPM) and one of the members of the Finance delegation at the event, the fair is “a good opportunity to show that the investment promoted by the IDB has resulted in fruit, both on the public spending, as well as on the tax collection side, paving the way for a new financing that the State of São Paulo intends to make for modernization programs. ”

The deputy coordinator of CPM, Marcelo Luiz Alves Fernandes, and the coordinator of Decentralized Entities and Electronic Purchases (CEDC), Maria de Fatima Alves Ferreira, also participate in the delegation.

During the presentation of the cases, the Secretariat of Finance made demonstrations of the systems working in real time, with explanations and analyzes of the benefits and impacts resulting from the implementation of the NF-e and the BEC.

The farm delegation spoke about the purpose of the Electronic Invoice, which is the implementation of a Brazilian model of electronic tax document that replaces the current system of issuing the paper fiscal document, simplifying the taxpayers' ancillary obligations and allowing real-time monitoring commercial operations by the tax authorities.

In all, 40 million electronic bills have already been issued by about 5.500 NF-e issuing establishments in São Paulo, representing about R $ 1,6 trillion in goods traded since the project began in 2006.

The NF-e provides benefits to everyone involved in a commercial operation: selling companies (reducing the cost of purchasing paper, printing and storing the tax document), purchasing companies (eliminating the typing of invoices at the reception of goods), administrations tax (increase in the reliability of tax document information) and society (reduction of paper consumption, with positive ecological impact), contributing significantly to the improvement of the business environment in Brazil.

Electronic Shopping Bag

The Electronic Purchasing Exchange - which was also featured in the presentation by the Finance Secretariat - aims to concentrate, in a single environment, information on electronic negotiations, the registration of materials and services and the unified registration of suppliers. The reunification of the data allows the integration of this information with the budgetary, accounting and financial systems of the State, allowing effective control of public spending and real-time monitoring of electronic negotiations by society. The system has around 86 thousand registered suppliers and, since 2000, 1,4 million items have been traded, with values ​​in the order of R $ 2,9 billion. This generated savings of around R $ 900 million for the State.

The government of the State of São Paulo believes that the use of this type of modality in its purchases brings numerous advantages, both for society, as well as for suppliers, servers and for the State. With the Electronic Exchange, the whole process is much more transparent, from the registration of the supplier company to the moment when the winner is chosen.

“This new procurement system is being recognized by the IDB as an efficient system, which brings positive results for the government, since it incorporates the issue of responsible management”, concludes Maria de Fátima.