Sefaz reaches 2 million Electronic Invoices issued


Source: Portal Az - PI - 11/08/2009

This month, Piauí's Finance Department reached two million Electronic Invoices issued. The figure shows the expansion of the NF-e that was implemented in April 2008 and already represents more than 50% of the invoices issued in Piauí.

Currently, SEFAZ-PI has records of 164 taxpayers issuing NF-e in the State, and a total of 2.064.729 invoices issued. The total amount reached is R $ 6.991.396.848,42. Since April 2008, more than 317.064.882 have been issued throughout Brazil.

According to the Finance Secretary, Antônio Neto, the goal of two million NF-e is a response to SEFAZ's work. “The Finance Department has invested a lot in the implementation of the Electronic Invoice and is equipped to accompany this modernization. The benefits are as much for the taxpayer that reduces the bureaucracy in his routine as for the Tax Authorities, that also speeds up the process in the tax posts ”.

The Electronic Invoice is a document issued and stored electronically, of only digital existence, in order to document an operation of circulation of goods or provision of services between the parties, whose legal validity is guaranteed by the digital signature of the issuer and reception, by the Tax Authorities, before the generating event.

According to Flávio Chaib, director of the Traffic Unit - UNITRAN, the change from the manual to the electronic process brought benefits to taxpayers. “The electronic invoice provided agility, quality of information, reduction of costs and security for the taxpayer. The expectation is that by 2010, all sectors will implement the NF-e ”, he declared.

The issue of the Electronic Invoice also brings advantages to the Tax Authorities. “Through the NF-e the Tax Authorities obtain immediate information on the circulation of goods, it is also possible to give more speed to the work at the tax posts and transparency to the operations. We are in control of everything that is happening even before the circular goods ”, explained the superintendent of the State Revenue, Emílio Júnior.

The implementation of the Electronic Invoice has already reached sectors such as food, beverages, fuels and cigarettes. Until September XNUMXst, new segments will be required to issue the NF-e. Among the main ones are manufacturers of cosmetics, perfumery, personal hygiene, cleaning products, soaps and detergents; manufacturers of electronic and computer equipment; establishments that perform the milling of wheat, manufacturers of wheat derivatives; manufacturers of metal drawn products; wholesalers who have a predominance of food products; new vehicle dealerships, among others.