Without order and without law: murder of police chief, impeached governor, piracy on the streets, illegal motorcycle taxi, crimes


Author: Adércio Dias *

Source: Na Hora Online, 06/04/2009

The inattentive reader may ask: what does the murder of police chief Cézar Pizzano have to do with the sale of pirated CDs and DVDs, illegal motorcycle taxis, the impeachment of Governor Ivo Cassol and the constant congestion on the streets of Porto Velho? All. It is not necessary to think very hard to come to the conclusion that everything is the result of disorder, non-compliance with laws and the lack of supervision of illegal practices.

Without order and without law, yes, dear reader. What about those drivers and motorcyclists who cross the red light, close the intersection of streets and park in a place reserved for the bus stop? Having nowhere to stop for the descent and ascent of passengers, the bus stops in the middle of the street, blocking the flow of vehicles.

These bad drivers are generally not harassed by those who should oversee and strive to comply with traffic laws. Just as the so-called “moto-taxi drivers” who invaded the streets of Porto Velho with their deadly machines and suicidal maneuvers are not compelled to comply with the laws. The law prohibits this practice in the Capital. However, they are in the streets, in uniform, defying the law, justice, police and public administration.

As well as those who reproduce and those who sell pirated CDs and DVDs openly on the streets, sidewalks, squares and even in commercial establishments in Porto Velho challenge public authorities.

The reader may even imagine that selling pirated CDs is an innocent activity, an alternative to joblessness. It is not. In fact, it is a crime that fuels other, greater crimes. More than stealing the copyright of those who created that work, piracy makes money, fuel for other crimes such as smuggling, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, car theft and even pistol.

If there had been no inertia and permissiveness by the public authorities, the weapons that murdered police chief Pizzano would not have reached the bandits. If criminal laws were enforced and if enforcement was enforced, we would not live with armed bandits walking freely in a constant threat to society.

If the laws, in general, were observed, a vote-buying politician would have his mandate revoked. The electoral law is emphatic: buying votes is an electoral crime. However, politicians like Governor (impeached) Ivo Cassol and Senator (impeached twice) Expedito Júnior continue to mock the law, Justice and the people of Rondônia. The Regional Electoral Court did its part. He investigated, heard the prosecution and defense, respected due process of law and constitutional principles of the adversary and the broad defense. Once the practice of the offense was found, the two were forfeited. But the people, the most affected by the actions of bad politicians, are still forced to be governed by such people.

As long as the people of Rondônia continue to elect this type of politician and do not oversee their actions, government officials will not feel obliged to fulfill their duty. And the worker, paying taxes, fulfilling his duty will be obliged to live with the banditry, the crime, the misdemeanor, the murders, the piracy in the streets, the illegal motorcycle taxi, the disorganized traffic, and being governed by impeached rulers .

Next year, voters will be asked, again, to choose their representatives to form the state and federal administrations, the state parliament and the two Houses of National Congress. Certainly those who have already harmed and harm the people will be infiltrated among the candidates.

In order not to suffer a later wear and burden the courts with kilos of lawsuits, it is time to start putting an end to all this situation.

* Adércio Dias - Journalist, lawyer, postgraduate in Electoral Law and Electoral Process.