Seminar discusses the benefits of the Individual Entrepreneur


Source: Agência Sebrae de Notícias - AL - 07/10/2009

Street vendors and representatives of social projects know the advantages of the law
Brasília - Representatives of various associations of street vendors, social projects and informal workers from the Federal District and the Surrounding Region participated in a seminar on the Individual Entrepreneur Law this Tuesday (6th) in the Chamber of Deputies. In order to encourage informal workers to regularize the situation, the seminar taught professionals how the law applies and what benefits and guarantees that microentrepreneurs will achieve with adherence.

The Sebrae consultant and university professor José Arimatea Soares de Oliveira introduced Complementary Law 128/08 and cleared workers' doubts. “This is the possibility of them being socially included, being recognized and regularized and, for example, not having to run when the inspection arrives. Besides, of course, the advantage of having access to social security, which today is restricted to people who have registered wages ”, says the consultant.

According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), there are more than 10 million informal workers across the country. After three months since the Law is in effect, only 23 thousand individual micro-entrepreneurs have already achieved legalization. For him, this number is very small because it comes up against bureaucracy when the process reaches the municipality. “We need cities that still have legislation with the old model and create difficulties to make these people's access to regulation more flexible. The municipality also wins by being able to monitor the development of workers more closely ”, concludes Oliveira. Sebrae's goal is to reach more than 1 million informal workers by the end of 2010.

The embroiderer Glaucemária da Silva, a resident of Taguatinga (DF), says that she will take the news to colleagues who participate in the same association as her. “We can each formalize ourselves. It is very advantageous for us as artisans, both in terms of sales and in terms of retirement. It is better to leave informality and guarantee the future ”.

How to join

Those interested should access the Entrepreneur Portal ( The professional will be able to obtain the registration in the CNPJ and the inscriptions in the Social Security and in the Commercial Registry. This process is expected to last a maximum of 30 minutes.

Who can participate?

Entrepreneurs in the industry, commerce and services - except for hiring labor and professions regulated by law - with annual gross revenue of up to R $ 36 thousand. Those interested can have at most one employee with an income of up to one minimum monthly wage.


Membership in the Individual Entrepreneur guarantees several benefits, such as retirement and sickness benefits. Entrepreneurs from commerce and industry will pay a fixed monthly amount of 11% over the minimum wage (today, R $ 51,15) related to personal INSS, plus R $ 1 of ICMS. Service providers will bear the same 11% over the minimum plus R $ 5 of ISS. Professionals who work in mixed activities (industry or commerce with services) will pay the 11% of the minimum plus R $ 1 of ICMS and R $ 5 of ISS. In addition, with the CNPJ in hand, the professional will be able to prove income and have access to bank credit.

Agência Sebrae de Notícias - (61) 3348-7138 and 2107-9362