Business Transparency Symposium brings together representatives of the Brazilian and Argentine Public Authorities


Source: Communicate, 29/08/2007

Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

1st Latin American Symposium on Transparency in Business


September 17, 2007, Monday


9am to 9:30 am - Opening

Prof. Roberto Salles, Magnificent Rector of UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL FLUMINENSE;
Pres. Alerj, Mr. Jorge Picciani (to be confirmed), State Legislative Branch;
Representative of the State Government; Representative of Rio de Janeiro City Hall
January; Representative of the City of Niterói; Prosecutor Denise Tarin, Min.
State Public; Federal Government Representative

Opening Lecture

Representative of Petrobras (Petróleo Brasileiro SA)

9:30 am - Transparency and Accountability

Gaius Magri
Institute Partnership Manager
Corporate Ethos and Social Responsibility

Maria Augusta Carneiro Ribeiro
General Ombudsman
Petrobras (Petróleo Brasileiro SA)

Roberto Patrus Mundim Pena
Vice-President of
ALENE (Latin American Association of Ethics, Business and Economics)

Mariano Gervan
Senate and the Federal Chamber of

Prof. Osvaldo LG Quelhas
(Federal Fluminense University)

11am to 11:30 am - Coffee break

11h30 to 13h - Transparency as a Management Tool

Carlos Eduardo Lessa Brandao
Coordinator of
IBGC Research Center (Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance)

André Franco Montoro Filho
Executive president
of ETCO (Brazilian Institute of Competition Ethics)

Earth Glaucia
Coordinator of the activities of the
GRI in Brazil - Ethos-GRI Partnership

Barbara Délano
Corporate Affairs Manager
to Bind Corporate Social Responsibility

Prof. Cid Alledi Son
(Federal Fluminense University)

13 pm to 14:30 pm - Lunch

14:30 pm to 16:XNUMX pm - Transparency, Corporate Social Responsibility and

Luiz Carlos Delorme Prado
CADE Advisor
(Administrative Council for Economic Defense)

Claudio Weber Abramo
Executive Director of the NGO
Transparency Brazil

Cenise Monte Vicente
Office Coordinator
Zone of São Paulo of Unicef

José Monteiro
Secretariat of Social Policies
of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Eduardo Gomes - Phd
(Federal Fluminense University)


* * * * * *

September 18, 2007, Tuesday


9 am to 10:30 am - Transparency: A Vision of Justice

Judged Nagib Slaib Son
TJRJ Court of Justice
of the State of Rio de Janeiro

doctor William Douglas (to confirm)
4th judge
Federal Court of Niterói / RJ

Dr. Denise Tarin
Prosecutor of the Ministry
Public of the State of Rio de Janeiro

Judged Alexandre Teixeira de Freitas Bastos
TRT 1st Region Social and Environmental Responsibility Committee,
Rio de Janeiro

Dr. Sérgio Luiz Pinheiro Sant'Anna
Federal assigned to the Federal Regional Attorney's Office (AGU)
Member of the Instituto dos dos
Lawyers from Brazil IAB and member of OAB-RJ

Dr. Luciene
Federal Attorney at Federal Regional Attorney
of the 2nd Rio de Janeiro Region (AGU / PSE).

10:30 am to 11:XNUMX am - Coffee break

11h to 13h - Presentation of selected works

Table A

Changes in stakeholder management can generate more transparency for
The case of a forest-based company
Mariana Galvao
Lyra, Ricardo Corrêa Gomes and Laércio Antônio Jacovine


Corporate governance and the transparency of management practices in a company
road concession company in Brazil
Claudio Meireles

Transparency in the management and strategic repositioning of an organization
of civil society in the light of sustainability premises: a case study of the
Rogerio Steinberg
Eleonora Maria Figueiredo (UFF / Latec) and
Fernando Oliveira de Araujo, M.Sc. (Cefet / RJ Uned / RJ)

Socio-environmental investment portfolio as a management tool
sponsorship of projects in the area of ​​water supply

Marcio Schiavo and Flávia Ribeiro

Corporate governance and the reduction in the cost of capital of companies in the
real estate market

Márcio Teixeira da Silva, M. Sc. and Osvaldo Luiz
Gonçalves Quelhas, D.Sc.

Prof. Charles Pessanha - Program
Graduate Program in Political Science (PPGCP / UFRJ)

Table B

Transparency as a tool for reducing corruption in organizations

Maria Virginia Halter (FGV-SP) and Maria Cecilia Arruda

Ethics as a substrate for transparency
Maria Cecilia Arruda

Corporate social responsibility: strategies and actions from there
civil society
bart slob

The Legislative as the focus of business: on the performance of a “department
government relations ”
Marcos O. Bezerra and Milena Martins

The principle of transparency and its effect on competitiveness:
overcoming technical and information barriers to trade

Edward Gadret
& Martius Rodriguez

Transparency through risk management and controls

Fernando Mascarello de Oliveira, Ricardo Seperuelo Duarte, M.
Sc., Osvaldo Luiz Gonçalves Quelhas, D.Sc.

Prof. Luis Pedone
Program of
Post Graduation in Political Sciences (PPGCP / UFF)

13 pm to 14:30 pm - Lunch

14:30 pm to 16:XNUMX pm - Transparency in Society and Third Parties

Regina Queiroz
Area Coordinator
Social Responsibility of the Social Observatory Institute

Eduardo Pannunzio
Legal Framework Program
Third Sector and Public Policy - Coordinator
 GIFE - Group of
Institutes, Foundations and Companies

Dulce Pandolfi
Director of IBASE (Instituto
Of Social and Economic Analysis)

Paulo Haus Martins
OAB-RJ - President of
CAJONG (Legal Affairs Committee of NGOs and other Entities of Interest

Prof. doctor Roberto Luiz

Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the
 (Federal University of Minas Gerais)



This schedule is subject to change, as the organization is waiting for the
confirmation of some other names, further expanding the scope of the