Website shows how to identify counterfeit drugs
Source: O Estado de S. Paulo / Blog da Revista, 10/06/2009
Bayer has developed an exclusive website against drug piracy. The site provides information on how to identify counterfeit products, care for online purchases, news, useful telephone numbers and addresses, frequently asked questions, as well as a link to complaints.
Tips to protect yourself from counterfeit drugs
- Every medicine contains the “scratch card”, space with reactive ink on one side of the package. When scraped with a metallic object, it reveals the word “quality” and the manufacturer's logo.
- The packages must have a seal or security seal that, once broken, is irretrievable, in addition to the registration number with Anvisa.
- Do not buy products in different packaging from the original ones.
- Do not buy medicines sold by people on the internet or in places like clubs, bars and gyms.
- Check the reputation of Internet pharmacies before buying drugs online. The website contains the list of all companies authorized to operate.
- Avoid offers for medicines sold only under medical prescription that do not require the presentation of the prescription.
- When suspecting the origin of a medication, seek local health surveillance or call Disque Saúde (0800-61-1997).