Taxes take over half a year of work


O Globo - 28/11/2004

BRASILIA. Society complains about the tax burden, but few taxpayers are aware of the weight of these taxes in their pocket and in the cash of companies. A study by the Brazilian Institute of Tax Planning (IBPT), commissioned by the Commercial Association of São Paulo (ACSP), shows that in a salary of R $ 3 thousand, for example, the sum of taxes paid by the worker corresponds to 172 days per year, or that is, more than half of the year. And that the sum of taxes paid by the worker and by the company that employs him reaches R $ 2.773, equivalent to 91% of the salary.

In these calculations, taxes on income, consumption of products and services and on the worker's assets, plus the portion of taxes that companies pay on payroll were considered.

Direct and indirect taxes consume 47% of salary

A worker who receives R $ 3 thousand per month, pays R $ 516 of Income Tax and Contribution to the INSS. And according to IBPT calculations, he spends another R $ 856 in indirect taxes charged on the products he consumes (supermarket purchases, clothing, shoes, etc.) and services (water, electricity and telephone). The portion of taxes on equity refers to IPTU and IPVA, which, in this case, represents an expense of R $ 42.

In total, this worker spends R $ 1.414 of his salary with direct and indirect taxes, or 47%. And the company pays an additional R $ 1.319,00 (44%) on its salary of R $ 3 thousand.

Ana Maria Ferreira de Araújo is a business administrator and accountant and works in the treasury of a private college in Brasília. Even with this professional background, she was amazed to discover that the weight of taxes on her salary is equivalent to 94,05%, according to IBPT calculations. Ana earns R $ 1.500 per month. He pays R $ 751,40 in taxes on salary, consumption and wealth, and his company collects R $ 659,40 on the employee's salary from public coffers:

? It's an absurd. I had no idea that the value is so high.

The president of the IBPT, Gilberto Luiz do Amaral, explains that in the calculation of taxation on consumption, other taxes were considered that weigh on the formation of the price of products and services, in addition to those charged on the sale of products.

Therefore, in addition to ICMS, PIS, Cofins, IPI and ISS (in the case of services), the calculation took into account the CPMF, the IOF, taxes and contributions charged by states and municipalities, the Person's Income Tax Legal and Profit Contribution paid by companies.

To calculate the weight of taxes on equity, IBPT technicians considered the amount of resources collected by states and municipalities with the IPTU and IPVA and divided this amount by the wage bill, making the weights by income range.

The IBPT study is part of the campaign to clarify the weight of taxes on workers' income that the Trade Associations of Rio, São Paulo and Minas Gerais develop to mobilize society and put pressure on Congress. Entrepreneurs want to see the second phase of the tax reform approved, which foresees the unification of the ICMS, considered an important step towards a less costly and more advanced tax system.

High and very poorly distributed tax burden

Next Wednesday, during the Seminar? Tax Reform: The need for a new system in the view of the taxpayer ?, which will be held at the Commercial Association of Rio, the entities will launch the? Tax Calculator ?, a tool designed by IBPT with the same objective of raising awareness and mobilizing society in favor of reform. During the event, the Feirão do Imposto will also be held, where products will be displayed with the weight of taxes on the final price.

? The citizen has the right to know how much tax he pays. Is the tax bad for the health of the consumer and the economy? says the president of the Commercial Association of Rio, Marcílio Marques Moreira.

Minister of Economy at the end of the Collor government, Marques Moreira has always been an enthusiastic supporter of fiscal and tax reform. He notes that, in Brazil, in addition to the high tax burden, it is very poorly distributed.

? Is the tax system efficient to collect, but does it discourage investment, inhibit employment and punish consumption? states.

For the president of the Commercial Association of São Paulo, Guilherme Afif Domingos, only with the support of society will it be possible to change this scenario:

? We hope that, with these clarifications, we can bring a new actor to the stage of the reforms: His Excellency the taxpayer, who pays and does not participate.