Use of Electronic Invoice reaches almost 40% of the State's revenue


Author: Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul

Source: 16/11/2008

More than 3 thousand companies will start issuing Electronic Invoices in December. They will be included in the mandatory use of NF-e for the sectors of automobiles, cement, medicines, refrigerators, alcoholic and soft drinks, electricity, laminates and pig iron.

Since April, when the mandatory Electronic Invoice came into force for the cigarette and liquid fuel sectors, the number of companies that use this type of document has increased from 400, increasing the number of companies by 20 times in one year. use it. With this, about 22,3% of the collection started to use this instrument. With the increase in the number of segments in December, this index will be increased to 36%.

The Finance Secretary, Aod Cunha de Moraes Junior, says that the dissemination of the Electronic Invoice, as it guarantees greater control of the Tax Authorities over the collection, is an efficient instrument to combat tax evasion. “As it avoids tax evasion, it contributes to increased revenue. This increase in revenue, together with the reduction of expenses, are guaranteeing the balance of the State's accounts ”, he highlights.

In 2009, more than 30 sectors will start to operate through NF-e. According to the director of State Revenue, Júlio César Grazziotin, the Electronic Invoice represents a more effective control in the management of business processes because it allows more agility and economy, in addition to promoting fair competition among taxpayers.
The Electronic Note will replace only invoices model 1 and 1A, used to document commercial transactions with goods between legal entities. "This guarantees the tax authorities more effective control over the collection, since it is possible to compare immediately if the purchase values ​​coincide with the sales values ​​of each establishment, thus, the State has the continuous monitoring of tax processes", he stresses. The other tax documents that are not replaced by the NF-e must continue to be issued in accordance with the legislation in force, such as, for example, the consumer invoice (model 2) and the tax coupon, in retail sales.

Sefaz Virtual approaches the 13 million banknotes authorized in a production environment with a financial turnover of around R $ 328 billion. These numbers include the states that signed an agreement with Rio Grande do Sul, via Sefaz Virtual. (Acre, Alagoas, Amazonas, Amapá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Paraíba, Rio de Janeiro, Rondônia, Roraima, Santa Catarina, Sergipe and Tocantins).