Adams defends leniency agreement for companies accused in Lava Jato

The Minister of Advocacy-General of the Union, Luís Inácio Adams, defended this Thursday that the government accepts leniency agreements if they are proposed by the accused companies within the Lava Jato operation, which investigates a corruption scheme in Petrobras contracts.
Adams believes that the leniency agreement would facilitate the recovery of embezzled funds and the fight against corruption.
"It is a more efficient way than closing the company and trying to catch up (in the future)," said Adams, who has been in office since late 2009 and is responsible for defending the government's positions in the judiciary.
The Federal Public Ministry denounced - and the Court accepted the complaints - 36 people, 23 of them linked to OAS, Camargo Corrêa, UTC Engenharia, Galvão Engenharia, Mendes Júnior and Engevix, in addition to asking companies to make reimbursement of 1,186 billion reais to public coffers.
There is fear within the government that if these companies are considered unworthy to close new contracts with the government, there will be a paralysis of works in the country, with serious consequences for economic growth and for the progress of infrastructure works, which are a priority for the government. government.
Source: - 8/01
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