Brazil discusses regulatory quality in Latin America
In order to strengthen the creation of Latin-REG, the Latin American Network for Regulatory Improvement and Competitiveness, and to exchange good practices between countries, the 1st Latin American Seminar on Successful Experiences in Regulation was held in Brasilia . With the opening of the Chief Minister of the Civil House, Gleisi Hoffmann (photo), the event had the participation of ETCO's chief executive, Roberto Abdenur, in the panel “The perception of entrepreneurs on the quality of regulation in Brazil”.
In his presentation, Abdenur stated that "economic development depends on the existence of modern, convenient and transparent regulatory frameworks, and on the continuous effort to adapt to new realities and challenges". The president also explained the role of the institute in this context.
“ETCO strives to implement a healthy business environment, in order to combat misconduct, such as tax evasion, informality, piracy and corruption. In addition, it seeks to contribute to the adoption of laws aimed at simplifying and rationalizing the tax system, for the implementation of instruments capable of increasing the efficiency of the collection mechanisms, reducing the bureaucracy of the system and contributing to the minimization of unfair competition ”.
The panel also included: Diego Zancan Bonomo, senior director for Policy, US Chamber; Pablo Silva Cesário, executive manager of the Relationship with the Executive Branch of the National Confederation of Industry - CNI; João Nicomedes Sanches, chairman of the AMCHAM Brasil Regulatory Agency Program task force; as well as representatives from the British embassy.
The seminar also had other panels, presented by representatives of several institutions, such as the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq), National Film Agency (Ancine), National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) , Brazilian Institute of Consumer Protection (Idec) and Federal Audit Court (TCU).
The event was organized by the Institutional Capacity Building Program for Regulatory Management (PRO-REG), carried out by the federal government, through the Presidential Civil House and with the institutional support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), of the British embassy and the Brazilian Association of Regulatory Agencies (ABAR).