E-commerce and major brands united in the fight against piracy

Brasilia, 27 / 4 / 18- The Ministry of Justice, through the National Council to Combat Piracy (CNCP), met for the first time in Brasília, last Tuesday (24/04), representatives of the main electronic commerce platforms in the country and the holders of big brands, which are the biggest victims of illegal internet commerce.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss mechanisms and measures to curb the sale of pirated products in the country. "The intention is to jointly define ways to stop the growth in the sale of pirated products digitally," explained the president of the CNCP, Claudenir Brito Pereira.
The sale of counterfeit products on the internet harms not only the rights holders of trademarks but also the State, which needs to mobilize means to curb illegal practice; sales platforms, due to the risk of credibility in enabling illegal sales; and, mainly, consumers, who purchase inferior products and without the necessary guarantees.
From the perspective of consumer protection, the National Consumer Secretariat, represented by the substitute secretary, Ana Carolina Caram, also participated in the meeting. "Education is essential for consumers to become aware of the health and safety risks that pirated products can cause to those who purchase them," warned Ana Carolina.
During the meeting, more effective methods of promoting the reduction of harmful effects of illegal products sold on the Internet were discussed. The representatives of the digital platforms, in turn, exposed their way of acting, explaining how they protect intellectual property and how they deal with the issue of pirated products.
At the end of the meeting, the representatives of the digital platforms pledged to work together with the Ministry of Justice, in order to conclude an agreement with the CNCP in which criteria and actions to reduce illegal activities in electronic commerce will be defined.