Entities denounce that contraband causes loss of R $ 130 billion to Brazil

The Mixed Parliamentary Front to Combat Smuggling and Counterfeiting and the National Movement in Defense of the Brazilian Legal Market launched today (29) the campaign “The Brazil we want”, in partnership with the Ministry of Justice. The goal is to curb the practice of smuggling in Brazil.
According to the entities, in 2016, the illegal market generated losses of R $ 130 billion for the country, losses of productive sectors, such as tobacco and clothing and tax evasion. The campaign takes place in conjunction with more than 70 business entities and civil society organizations affected by illegal smuggling practices.
The increase in these practices results from a combination of factors: increased taxes, economic crisis and fragile borders. For this reason, "attacking contraband is an extremely effective measure for economic recovery and it works hard to end trafficking and crime in cities".
For the president of the Parliamentary Front to Combat Smuggling and Counterfeiting, federal deputy Efraim Filho (DEM / PB), fighting smuggling does not just mean curbing street vendors. "The fight against smuggling starts at the borders, with intelligence work, and advancing on an important tripod: human, financial and technological resources", he said. According to him, the costs of more than R $ 1 million per day in border operations are, in fact, investments, since the collection grows ten times more after that.
Condescending Culture
In addition, according to Efraim, it is necessary to combat the population's condescending culture with smuggling. “People consider it a less offensive potential crime because the view we have is of the CD and DVD seller, or of handbags and clothing brands. But when we break this superficial layer, we see something that is extremely aggressive and harmful to society, that deteriorates formal work, finances drug trafficking and creates a risk to the integrity and health of the consumer ”, said the deputy, referring, for example , to counterfeit and smuggled drugs, drinks and toys.
The Minister of Justice, Osmar Serraglio, signed a protocol of intentions with the main measures and actions for inspection and repression against smuggling.
Among the priority objectives of the term are to identify financial resources for investment in human and technological resources; provide technical and operational support to the execution of the National Border Plan, with special attention to economic and social actions and the inspection of the border between Brazil and Paraguay; foster international and legislative debate; and sensitize society about the impacts of illegality with the aim of generating changes in the consumption of illegal products.
For the coordinator of the National Movement in Defense of the Brazilian Legal Market, Edson Vismona, the signed protocol points out the paths and where are the resources for investment in technology and human resources.
“We want there to be practical actions, diagnoses we all already have. We suggest the creation of border offices uniting the agencies so that they identify in the thousands of inquiries who are the suppliers, we have to qualify the information so that we can go to the root of who is operating this illegal trade ”, he said.
According to the director of the Brazilian Association to Combat Counterfeiting, Rodolpho Ramazzini, the sector that loses the most from smuggling and counterfeiting is that of cigarettes, with losses of R $ 5 billion, followed by auto parts, with R $ 3 billion, in addition to other segments. “Brazil has 16 thousand kilometers of border with the bordering countries, in which we only have 24 checkpoints. In all of our ports, we do not have 3 agents to carry out container clearance. Anything enters Brazil. The few inspectors who work well, learn a lot, but it is very close to what should be done to have more fair competition in the market ”.
He pointed out that the economic crisis and the high taxes were the factors that contributed to the growth in consumption of this material, but stressed that the consumer loses twice when buying products from this source. “In the case of cigarettes, drinks, auto parts, fuel, medicine, hygiene and cleaning products, hospital surgical products, in addition to the financial loss for the government and industry, these products will always cause damage to health or for consumer safety because they are made with poor quality raw materials and without sanitary control. ”
Mobilizations throughout the day
Today, a task force is being carried out to destroy contraband products seized by the Federal Revenue Service, in São Paulo and Foz do Iguaçu. More than 12 tons of cigarettes are expected to be destroyed during the day.
As part of the campaign's activities, the entities also present until March 31, at the National Congress, the mini-exhibition “Cidade do Contrabando”, which simulates the possible improvements if the smuggling and the trade of illegal products were extinguished.
According to the entity, with R $ 130 billion, it would be possible to build more than a thousand hospitals, or 65 thousand daycare centers or 1,36 million popular homes, or even 25 thousand public schools.
* Collaborated with Flavia Albuquerque, from São Paulo
Ftone: Agência Brasil (29/03/17)