CGU produces explanatory infographics about the Anti-Corruption Law


CGU InfographicIn order to facilitate the understanding of the contents present in the Anticorruption Law (Law 12.846 / 2013) and in the Decree that regulates it (8.420 / 2015), the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) produced a series of explanatory infographics on the topic. There are six visual representations, which simplify the understanding of the main points of the legislation and deal with aspects such as the accountability process, calculation of the fine, leniency agreement, compliance and registrations.

In infographics it is possible, for example, to view the elements of the leniency agreement. the requirements to stop if you form it and the possible benefits gained from it.

To access the CGU website and view the infographics, click here

Source: CGU website (31/04)