Penalty for those who do not register a formal employee


The Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE) closed the siege against employers who keep domestic workers informal. After defining a minimum fine of R $ 805,06 for the boss who does not sign the license, the portfolio published a rule that defines how the inspection of labor relations will be carried out. Experts estimate that the measures taken by the government are important to guarantee the rights of employees.

Published on 07/08, in the Federal Official Gazette, Normative Instruction 110 defines that labor auditors will carry out an indirect inspection, based on complaints and information. They will send a postal notification, with time, date and place at which the bosses must appear to prove their employment relationship. Employers will be required to provide a copy of the Work Permit with the employee and contract details.

Anyone who is unable to attend may nominate another member of the family, provided they are at least 18 years old. Employers who fail to comply with the notification will be fined and respond to an administrative proceeding. Auditors will still be able to visit the home where informal work is suspected. After presenting their Tax Identity Card (CIF), they can enter the residence with the employer's written consent.

Source: Mail Braziliense