Competitive ethics is the subject of debates in Colombia and Peru


In order to disseminate competitive ethics in other countries, ETCO's chief executive, Roberto Abdenur, was in Bogotá, Colombia, and Lima, Peru, to talk about the institute's mission.



On May 2, Abdenur gave a wide presentation on the structure and functioning of ETCO at the Seminar "Intellectual Property and Competence Disloyal", held in Bogotá, Colombia, with the presence of several authorities. The opening of the event was carried out by the United States ambassador to Colombia, Michael McKinley, and by the national director of Copyright in Colombia, Felipe Garcia. About 130 people, including lawyers, academics, executives and civil servants, participated in the meeting.

“I was impressed by the engagement of the audience in the work, even with questions that were very pertinent to the speakers. It became clear to me that the topics addressed are very topical in Colombia, with a view to the entry into force, on May 15, of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States, ”said the ambassador.

In addition to ETCO's participation, the event included the lectures “Relación entre las Infracciones a los Derechos de Propietad Intelectual y la Competencia Desleal”, presented by Colombia's Deputy Superintendent for Competition Defense, Pablo Márquez, and “Infracción a los Derechos Author as an Act of Unfair Competence ”, given by the partner of Esguerra Barrera Arriaga Asesores Jurídicos, Alfonso Miranda Londoño.


On the 4th of May, it was the city of Lima, Peru's turn, to receive the ETCO president during the event “El Respeto a la Propiedad Intellectual as Herramienta Competitiva para Los Exportadores”. The meeting was organized by the governmental institution INDECOPI, which covers competences in Brazil distributed among INPI, INMETRO and other regulatory entities. The chairman of the INDECOPI Council, Hebert Tassano, opened the conference, which also hosted the technical secretary of the Peruvian Unfair Competition Commission, Abelardo Aramayo, to speak on “The Represión de la Competencia Desleal en la Legislación Peruana”.

The Director of Copyright, Martín Moscoso, gave a lecture on “Protección Jurídica del Software en la Legislación Peruana”. The representative of the member companies of the Business Software Alliance (BSA) in the country, Paola García, spoke on the topic “Los Nuevos Alcances de la Legislación Norteamericana sobre Piratería de Software”. In both meetings, Roberto Abdenur presented the lecture “La Lucha por la Ética en la Competencia”.

“The meetings were extremely useful, mainly, to bring the ETCO message to the business world in both countries. We had the opportunity to meet with the main leaders who were interested in the issue of competitive ethics and the ETCO model ”, concluded Abdenur.

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