National Piracy Combat Award reveals winners on September 11
Initiative recognizes projects that stood out in the fight against piracy and other crimes against intellectual property

The National Council to Combat Piracy and Crimes against Intellectual Property (CNCP) announces the winners of the 4th edition of the National Piracy Combat Award (PNCP) on September 11th. The award, which is supported and managed by the Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition (ETCO), was developed with the objective of identifying projects by public and private entities that stood out in the fight against piracy and other crimes against intellectual property in 2014.
"We created the award in order to encourage awareness and apprehension actions capable of curbing piracy, which affects society, causing a reduction in tax collection, a drop in the number of formal jobs and an increase in border insecurity" , analyzes Heloisa Ribeiro, executive director of ETCO.
After the award, which will end with the destruction of pirated products in the public square, the opening of registrations for the 5th edition of the National Piracy Combat Prize will be announced.
Adherence to the Piracy Free City
The award ceremony will take place in Blumenau (SC), starting at 10:30 am. On the occasion there will also be the signing of the cooperation term for the Cidade Livre de Pirataria program. Blumenau will be the 14th city to join the program. “We have, in Santa Catarina, the first State Council to Combat Piracy that has coordinated public policies aimed at preventing and suppressing intellectual property violations. Blumenau will be the first city in Santa Catarina to sign this term and we want to expand the program to other municipalities ”, says the Secretary of State for Sustainable Economic Development (SDS), Carlos Chiodini.
Started in 2010 and already implemented in Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Cuiabá, Curitiba, Fortaleza, Manaus, Natal, Osasco, Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São Paulo and Vitória, the Cidade Livre de Piracy Program aims to municipalize the fight against illegal trade in products, so that participating cities actively take on the fight against piracy, developing actions in conjunction with municipal, state and federal institutions, in addition to representatives of civil society.
Delivery of the 4th National Piracy Combat Award
Order date: September 11 at 10h30
Location: Noble Hall of the Blumenau City Hall (Praça Victor Konder, 2 - Centro, Blumenau - SC, 89010-904
About ETCO
The Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition, ETCO, is a civil society organization of public interest (Oscip) founded in 2003 with the objective of identifying, discussing, proposing and supporting actions, practices and projects that result in concrete improvement of the business environment in the Brazil. To this end, it acts to influence decision-makers to adopt measures aimed at reducing tax evasion, illegal trade and informality, in addition to actions to simplify the tax system and combat corruption and other misconduct. The institute seeks to maintain a strong presence in Brazilian business and political circles, with the aim of creating mechanisms and tools that strengthen competitive ethics. There are three action strategies: to foster studies on the factors that encourage these deviations in conduct; propose and support initiatives, actions or changes in legal texts and administrative practices; and to develop and support actions to raise public awareness about the harmful social and economic effects and the dangers of these illegalities and social leniency with these deviations from ethical behavior.