Senate Bill provides for combating persistent debtor
For the president of ETCO, the great challenge of the Brazilian legal system is to differentiate the defaulter from the persistent debtor
At the moment when the implementation of a new Refis, for the renegotiation of companies' debts, is being evaluated, the discussion about the search for compensatory measures arises.
In this sense, there is an initiative ready to be voted by the plenary of the Federal Senate that will allow the combating the debtor, which bleeds the federal coffers in the order of R$ 14 billion a year, just in the fuel market. It is PLS 284/17 that provides, among a series of measures, for the objective distinction between debtors: the eventual debtor e the reiterated debtor (who will not be affected by said PLS) and the persistent debtor, this yes, must be fought, therefore, it is structured intentionally to not pay the taxes due.
To get an idea of liabilities, also in the fuel sector, active debts reach R$ 70 billion. Which corresponds, for example, to 8% of the GDP of Minas Gerais last year.
O PLS 284 / 17 was reported by Senator Fabiano Contarato (PT-ES) and was approved by several commissions and now it only depends on the President of the Federal Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG) to move forward and be guided. The delay in approving this project encourages the stubborn debtor, harming public coffers and society as a whole.
For the president of ETCO (Brazilian Institute of Ethics in Competition), Edson Vismona, who follows the course of the agenda in Congress, the great challenge of the Brazilian legal system is distinguish the defaulter from the defaulter. “Contumacious is not a taxpayer, he is a criminal, as he practices fraud in the exercise of his activities. Delinquents, on the other hand, want to be up to date, but due to different circumstances they are unable to meet their tax obligations, this one deserves the government's attention and encouragement for its regularization, on the other hand, persistent debtors must be rejected”, he says.