Counterfeiting network grows in the country


Auto parts, clothing, drinks, wheat flour and powdered milk. These are some of the items that, according to the Brazilian Association to Combat Counterfeiting - ABCF, are part of the list of counterfeit products in Brazil.

According to a report published in the newspaper Bom Dia Brasil, the counterfeiting network has been increasing annually, generating a loss of R $ 100 billion for the country. With a larger consumer market, São Paulo is one of the states most affected by counterfeiting, followed by Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia.

Rodolpho Ramazzini, from ABCF, points out that there are many causes that contributed to this growth, among them the technological sophistication carried out by counterfeiters in preparing products that were previously difficult to make, in addition to the increase in transnational trade.

The report also featured testimonials from several consumers who experienced embarrassment and disappointment after purchasing counterfeit products, in addition to showing some tips on how to identify differences between the pirated version and the original.

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Source: TV Globo (Good morning Brazil)
Collaboration: Pernord