Senators want to increase sentence for smuggling

Bill presented in the Senate increases the smuggling penalty. The text provides for a maximum of 20 years, while the penalty currently can reach 10 years. The argument is that the current penalties are not enough to curb the practice of this crime, which consists of importing banned goods into the country.
The text (PLS 85 / 2016), Senators Raimundo Lira (PMDB-PB) and Ana Amélia (PP-RS) provide for a penalty of 5 to 15 years for the crime of smuggling. The penalty can be increased from one sixth to one third if the crime involves air, sea or river transportation, which takes a maximum of 20 years. Currently, the penalty is much less, from two to five years, but the increase is greater: the penalty is counted twice if the contraband is carried out by air, sea or river transport, which takes a maximum time of ten years.
The project has Senator Telmário Mota (PDT-RR) as rapporteur. The decision of the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission (CCJ) is terminative, which means that the text does not need to go through the plenary if there is no appeal for that purpose. If approved, the project will still need to be analyzed by the Chamber of Deputies.
For Ana Amélia and Raimundo Lira, smuggling must be repressed and combated more efficiently because it is harmful, at the same time, to the treasury, to Brazilian companies and to consumers.
“With smuggling, the State loses, which stops collecting taxes; Brazilian companies lose, because they suffer extremely unfair competition; consequently they also lose the employees of these companies, because jobs are put at risk; finally, they lose consumers, because they are subject to buying counterfeit products, which can harm their health ”, they stated in the text's justification.
Source: Agência Senado (25/01)