Discover the Public Prosecutor's campaign that aims to help fight corruption in 21 countries


POST IMAGEBy saying “no” to the corrupt and to corruption, you help the prosecutor to fight impunity in 21 countries

Ibero-American Public Ministries in 21 countries launched the campaign #CORRUPTIONNOT, which aims to mobilize the largest number of people around a simple idea: the first step to end this problem is to say “NO”To any corrupt attitude.

Another objective of the campaign is to publicize the important role of public prosecutors in fighting corruption in their respective countries.

The time has come to show that we do not agree with any type of corruption. It doesn't matter the size, the author or the situation. The role of those - like us - who want a fairer world is to say “NO”To any corrupt act. Be it skipping a line, bribing a guard or embezzling public money.

For the success of the campaign, the participation of all in this great movement is fundamental. In the family, on the streets, in conversations, say NO corruption, no matter how small. This attitude can gain strength in the streets, neighborhoods, cities and countries. Believe me: the ethical change in favor of society begins in the attitudes of each one. Look for the Public Ministry of your country and add your voice to this cry: corruption, no!

ETCO supports this idea and will start showing campaign pieces and images on the website and in all communication with its members.

To learn more about the campaign and how to support it, visit