Culture of Transgressions in Brazil: Views of the Present

In Brazil we live a kind of paradox: at the same time that the material conditions of life improve, we have the sensation of experiencing a kind of “moral crisis”, which manifests itself from the relationships between people to the relationships between who governs and who is governed.
Was there really a "moral crisis" that we should be concerned with? Or is it just a distorted perception, a product of our difficulty in identifying and understanding the formation of new values, replacing the values of a traditional society?
It is around these issues that the essays gathered in this book, the second in the Culture of Transgressions in Brazil series, revolve around that iFHC and ETCO carry out in partnership.
The presentation was made by André Franco Montoro Filho and Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
About the authors:
Marcílio Marques Moreira he is chairman of the Advisory Board. Bachelor of Law from the State University of Rio de Janeiro and Master of Political Science from Georgetown University. He is an honorary member of the University Council of PUC and effective member of the Board of Directors of the Catholic University of Petrópolis and FGV, among other academic and cultural institutions in Brazil and the USA.
Fabio Wanderley Reis holds a PhD in Political Science from Harvard University, is an emeritus professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Human Sciences at UFMG, a member of the CNPq Deliberative Council, former president of the National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Social Sciences (Anpocs) and Great- Cross of the National Order of Scientific Merit.
Caio Tulio Costa he is a journalist, professor of Journalistic Ethics at Faculdade Cásper Líbero, in São Paulo, doctor of Communication Sciences at USP and consultant in new media.
Yves de la Taille he is a professor at the Institute of Psychology - USP. Chair of Developmental Psychology and Genetic Psychology - Institute of Psychology - USP.
Içami Tiba has been a psychiatrist at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (FMUSP) for 41 years; psychodramatist and family consultant. Counselor of the National Institute for Training and Education for Work “Via de Acesso”.
Visions of the Present
Marcílio Marques Moreira, Fábio Wanderley Reis, Caio Túlio Costa, Yves de La Taille and Içami Tiba
Editora Saraiva
1st edition 2009
168 pages
ISBN: 978-85-02-09024-8